Thursday, September 22, 2005

Do it the metro way

I did it the metro way, yes I did.

See these posters around?

What do they exactly mean?

What is the metro way?

Ah heck, as far as touring the metro and doing a lot of firsts...yesterday was simply the definitive.

My first bus ride to Gil Puyat, let alone the first bus ride I took from Philcoa.

My first LRT1 ride since I was still 4, and a cute handsome pea!!! It's still clear to me. The last ride, when I was four is one of the few childhood memories that remain clear to me. Why? We lived in Banawe QC that time. Plus, I puked somewhere approaching the station. Simple as that. So I was reminiscing and all!

The LRT 2 going back is a far cry by the way. For once, I wanted to believe the Philippines could be like this...this orderly, this civil, this modern.

My first interview of a GSIS executive, and a business exec in a long time. This was for PS 150 by the way, and that experience was like whoa! In fairness to the man, he blew my English away, yeah I really had to fake my confidence look just to make him feel I was at par with him. I personally loved his monologues. He tried to explain how GSIS conducts its business in a nutshell. He succeeded. Plus, we get free documents that I hope are made available to the public. Thank God we connected. I hope we didn't look like ignorant students of management.

My first taste of Jimini pizza! Small, cute, inexpensive, tasty! just needs more toppings in my opinion. We (Gen and Karla) ate at the GSIS Cafeteria. It was a gloomy afternoon. We made it a bit sunnier. Everything was so corporate in appearance. Everything except the comfort room. Hmmm, something for the paper!

My first time to enter SM Manila. Wasn't impressed though. Oh well, SM malls never really did impress me in terms of aesthetics and facilities. But do we have a choice? I bought a VCD copy of Imelda for out film showing tomorrow...thanks APSM for the consent to make use of the lobby I think!

It will be better for me to disclose my plans for the CRS at a later time. Just a note, I loved the electives line up! I think the 180s are great. Wait...they're all great! I don't care if I end up taking GEs next year...I see what I want and I grab them by the hair!

Next sem is promising. CHRISTMAS! MY BIRTHDAY BASH (ang kiddy no?)! Orgs to manage, orgs to serve, orgs to organize. Did I mention orgs? Fitting in is no longer my problem. Never was. By the looks of it, never will for a long time! God, I just thank your for the doors you opened. More here and there. MULTI_TASKING I LOVE YOU! Acads...this will be a blast...time to pull that GWA above 2...for MIS!!! haha. At least I'm, clear on this. MIS is numero uno in my list.

No time for senseless things. NO time to waste. Love? It will come. Heck, I think I'm seeing things clearly now. How stupid of me. How ignorant of God's plan. I submit to His grand scheme. And it tells me to wait. Perhaps lose 50 lbs and work on a new clothing line. Perhaps sweep the dust off my heart. Perhaps set my priorities before thinking of family. Perhaps put emotions in their rightful places---within me. So love will not be in the vocabulary list...cross your fingers!

How about you? How was your metro way? A way that bridges the new ways with the better ones. A way that takes you to new heights. A way where the fast lane gets faster.

God, grant me the strength.


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