Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Rant Aftermath

A lot of people dismiss the sacred act of ranting for several reasons in my opinion:

(1) they do not wish to hurt another’s feelings, maybe they’re afraid to
(2) they are unsure of what they rant about and how they are to defend their claim
(3) they basically have given up on the system, and no longer bother
(4) in the first place, they just don’t give a damn

Ranting is faultfinding, make no mistake about that. But, raving about something that needs raving about is always a welcome idea. In my UP days, as with my high school days, I think I have complained and expressed my disgust on the system more than a lot of us. Yet I raise, there is a need to describe the current order of things. There is a need to speak up, and then do something about it. At times, I am given the position of power to initiate some reform. I am only human though. I am one lonely voice in a stream of ideas that, not generally, tend to go with the flow. Few people face the music and make their voice heard. Therefore, do not expect change to occur that easily. Positive change, that is. It can be amusing that from something so pessimistic, new hope springs forth.

Hope must spring forth. If one is to rant, I suppose one must have the following to back one up:

(1) the evidence to defend the predicate
(2) the will to face the consequences of one’s actions
(3) a relatively beneficial motive
(4) a solution attached to every claim, at least a silly proposal

I see the indifference, the unserious nature, even the pathetic misconduct in SOME, not all, of these entities:

(1) government
(2) university
(3) society in general
(4) life and love
(5) student organizations

Government because everything bad can just be everything good there. Sorry mom, I really have a bleak view of your offices. University because I really thought people meant business here most of the time. Society because its failure is the failure of everything it creates. Life and love because I am losing both. Student organizations because some of them just don’t get it…simple as that.

And mind you, they have the right to call you bitter, lunatic, KSP??? Sheeshkabobs! Look who’s talking now? Look who’s open to criticism and free discourse now?

I am well aware that I am to be nailed to the cross for the perfectionist in me. My proposals can seem if not impossible, near to crazy. Care to wonder where my ideas come from? I give more than due credit to church. Yes. My family draws a lot, if not all, morals from church. Whereas some people just would like to see the fault of another, I try to make it constructive using an idealist view given by a church. Corny isn’t it? I meant for this blog to be corny. It’s 7am on a Wednesday, I had sleeping cramps and my body simply aches to the max.

Going back to corny, how many of us ever considered tackling these corny topics?

Uhm, Oh Juliet let me count the ways. FEW. Yes, few. Forgive my sarcasm.

If this is a war between realists and idealists, I think I have more of my fair share of allies. I have Rania, Venus, and Grace to name a few. I SMSd Rania last night. I had an idea what her reply was. In these matters, we connect. Well, we connect on a lot of things anyway. I know for certain that most of Political Scientists, and humanity, are still in touch with their idealist side---the side that wishes that change may start though gradually.

I find utopia in nearly everything, basically because I have a God and a paradise notion. To the empiricist, they would simply dismiss this as my bias. Now I somehow understand why people are just so stubborn and proud. Now I get religious suicides, people who give up their lives, all their wealth to do charity work. NOW, I HOPE YOUR RATIONAL ASSUMPTION EXPLAINS THAT.

Can you explain why Sir Naval would donate his expensive car for a cause he believed in using causality of plausible variables A+B+C=E?

It demeans people you know. It makes them look self-serving. Partially? Yes. Entirely? NO!

We are irrational beings at times.

Ranting at times has done me some good. I overheard Pats Alcantara yesterday afternoon and was shocked at his little offer. Guess what? Another org! Guess what? A chance to earn money. He writes piles of articles for good pay. I said, wow. So he got his paycheck after leisurely ranting or commenting on society. As for the org part, I more than amazed. Having real intentions other than personal gain in writing a resume never has been better. You see, at times, I don’t force my way when it comes to orgs. At an earlier time sure I was excited that I barged in. Now, I let the opportunities come. Then I grab them in the hair. Know that Greek fiction Opportunity has only hair in the front part of the head. Once it passes, it’s gone for good.

I don’t collect orgs to have more friends or to feel secure. I have that and more. I join orgs in whose cause I find much joy as much as pain. God is my boss after all. Ciao!


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