Sunday, August 21, 2005

Consider it done

Eto mga friends ang phase sa isang sem na katatapos ng midterms, alam mong may mga nakaatang pa na papers, pero ayaw mo muna isipin. This is the time of the sem when everything comes to a halt, much credit to your deliberate attempt to make it so. Oh the emnity. I call this time, the "consider it done" phase.

I don't want it to end.

Yes, consider it done. As far as midterms are concerned, yes they are done...finished, tapos, todas.

ECON WAS A ewan. Had to have a debate with Sir Rene, an econ grad from Ateneo just to make sure I had some right answers to celebrate about...buhuhuhu!

And yes, consider it done. As far as a future of long term papers, more exams, field work, org work...yes they have to be done...gagawin, aatupagin, charot (for a lack of a better catchy term).

Ayokong mag-isip. Ayoko. Kahit yung report sa rational actor bukas, ayokong basahin. This is my choice. My choice to defy everything GEEKISH. My choice to be in this net cafe, texting friends, waiting for 4 o'clock to arrive for a youth ministry meeting. To me, that makes more sense. To me, for now, it does make more sense.

Naramdaman nyo na ba yun? You want to do something right and be the good guy, but apparently your system does not want to budge. Forgive me for explaining things in general terms, but I guess it has to be. I could not define this feeling, hanging by a moment.

So what does matter to me aside from these extra-curriculars and community stuff that take up 50% of my time, 65% my energy? Here are but a few:

Grai. I am not clear on what that guy wants, but at times, do not deny yourself the right to feel something that hurt you before. Second chances. It varies over time and people. Tis up to you to see right through him. But is it your problem anyway?

Kristian. You still haven't told me what in me made me complacent? Much of the best this Wednesday. I don't know if I was being too sensitive, but I felt uneasy about a person after econ exam. Why bother?

Marian. People around you should know better. They should tell you to wear make up. But never for a moment think that I prefer women who powder themselves with make-up. Natural beauty. My mom and I argue a LOT on this, she loves make-up...I don't like clowns...hahaha (joke, my mom looks like a Hollywood actress in its peak days in the 1960s ...u know that Audrey Hepburn type...haha)

Sa LAHAT NG JPGS PEOPLE: I hope I don't disappoint. Interested parties, lapitan lang ang big daddy ng geog...that's me ahahaha. Tandaan tues 5:30 sa PH 204 ang Gen Orientation, we might have a workshop this Wed afternoon. Not to worry, I believe in this cause... and I will have to make you believe. Again, Geog isn't about maps and capitals...tis everything spatial in this world...the natural and the social. Thanks for investing in this venture I am much certain will pay off...haven't been this excited bout an ORG, partially cause am part of the fouding process....that doesn't come that often...that something so big and so interesting becomes so open to us UP peepz.

BUKLOD CSSP ANNIV NA!!! Wow, loaded, prod work pa lang hilo na ako but tis all good!

Am out of bright ideas, or anything to talk about. But in the will all be said and done... God willing, I can say: Consider it done!


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