Friday, December 23, 2005

Just about time

First of all, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you friends and readers!

Recalling the year that was, I take my trip down medium-term memory lane back to December 2004. Last year was one of the best Christmases in my short life. Why? Not only did I have money that year, I also had a shot at something I never really had a shot at. And that was possibly getting a good intimate relationship going. This year, I could only hope for some preponderance to be injected into my system.

However, I thank God still for the year that passed. A year of parties, of organizations, of chasing GWAs, of mourning over and moving forward from something I simply spoiled.

It is chilly no doubt. I sit back and look to the ceiling. What the heck am I typing about?

Suddenly, I thank God that this year has passed so quickly. I thank Him that I'm stil blogging and people around me are stil where they should be.

I need not relay year 2005. For a nutshell summary, read my blogs hehe. And to those who have read or had glimpses of my articles here; I think you guys will agree that I did not have much of a blast this year. That is to be frank and blunt.

Sure I had my first US right beside my name. Sure I bought some things I needed and some to satisfay my fantasies (and no, a car isn't one of them for now). Sure I had glimpses of hope at a new relationship until I got a grip of myself and took a dose of patience coupled with caution. I just don't feel good about it.

But not to worry, it is not because of any of you.

I've scanned through past blogs and I was sorely disappointed at the following trends I note:
(1) my depressing topics of self-pity and equally pitiful observations
(2) my writing style that I think, a competent reader would either consider "too deep" or "too crappy".

A good friend who has found some peace and joy in her very deserving boyfriend told me once: "Your blogs have this trend...(the abovementioned)...and at the end you try to reconcile or make ends meet."

That also is very true. For that part, I am most happy.

You may have noticed that I have changed the blog heading from Chancellor to The Green and Black Paradigm.

This is my response to the wrong things about me and the world last year. You may think that by attaching "paradigm", I'd be detaching myself from reality in the hopes of putting up my own banner and setting up an imaginary utopian world.

To gladly disappoint you, I will not be so utopian or so far from reality.

The green and black are my colors. They signify my character, if I were a blend of colors. They show a dark, serious, unpredictable me with a touch of whatever goodness that I seek.

As for the paradigm part, I ask: "What is the paradigm suitable for the green and black man?"

I'd frustrate you if I told you that it just sounded good with green and black. Thank goodness, the feeling of underperfoming and disappointment last year drove me to assess me and my work, including this blog compilation.

I did not like much of what I saw.

Time for a new paradigm, I said to myself. Time for me to take hold of perspectives and fundamentals that I had in my better years.

To my certainty, with you guys around...the best of years are ahead of me.

Which may include something big this February.
Which may include finally settling the score with those political beings---hah!lampoons. And yes, I pumped up or what?
Which may include my second US or a CS (will do).
Which may include taking more jobs until I drop dead.
Which may include less days of asthma and cold once I become a gym wreck.
Which may incluide me doing more for you guys!

And which may include having my first date with one and only one person at Chocolate Kiss, UP DILIMAN!

Or which may include days of daydreaming....I hope not.

Oops, have to pack and wrap the remaining gifts for godchildren!...and exchange gift stuff...

Real quiet here. I guess December 23s are.

Count you blessings. Invest them afterwards..

God be your big boss. And because He is, you won't have to do the accounting. =)


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