Thursday, November 09, 2006

When the Elephant Got Rabies

Make no mistake about it, most of my principles in life that are driven by a conservative view of the world and society has led to me to believe in the principles of the Grand Old Party---the Republican Party. Make no mistake that in matters of training and stance, I am for more Republican stands than that of a liberal Democratic Party. Perhaps not in an America for the Americans only, but at the least, an America that is strong and able to weigh itself in the international order. Do I say so because I fear a world that is not led by an American hegemony or a perpetrated capitalist mode? Absolutely not. Do I carry disdain for anything that is not American-led and kept? No. Yet make no mistake that in matters of morals and preservation of peace and international balance of power---a strong American balancing act is needed. That is why to me, a supply side change of policy or those of tax cuts is a bit more sound that protectionism that seems to be the tone for the Democrat policy (quote a news report on that). Yet you may ask and question me that I am grounding these on the assumption that the Democrats will make the United States weaker and more vulnerable to attack by being a liberal softie. Not at all though outrightly possible. The Democrats are unsure how they are to carry through the very issues they won with---Iraq, the mass vote of the urban worker etc. So to my mind, it may be a resounding response to the failure of US policy in Iraq resulting to deaths and high expenses rather than a really sound gain on Democrat issues.

A friend will disagree with me on some points here. But am sure he grasps the merits of my argument.

However that is said and done. Bush exposed his weakness. The world pounced on him. The Americans voted. Now there is much a there is all the more confusion. Representation is fair. Sure. But in the guaranteeing of order and keeping those who benefit in line, a dominant group needs to take the helm. It seems that heading to 2008, the Democrats have rebounded from the failed antics of Kerry to the promise of Clinton or Obama. Now they look to claim more seats of power. Each of these parties carry forth traditional tendencies. I guess we'll have to wait and see and hope that these parties do not choose to be monoliths and take stands on issues that sometimes demand consideration of proposals of the opposing party.

The decline of conservatism in the burgeoning postmodernist world is always a point for the liberal. But beware that even what is considered liberal is put to question by the very postmodernist that fights for the freedom to express. Friends, freedom in this new tradition is no longer that to simply express. Now, we have the freedom to define. Imagine that, define and everything else is but a construct. Imagine that. That's a good thing sure. But always remember that whilst in the old times the ultraright meant absolute authority to the few, ultraleft also means anarchy. Remember that to understand human organization, we need to root it on the basics of existence. We need order, we need stability, we need hegemons to help us become in the world progressing to the idealist end. And so instead of cursing at figures of power such as a strong US or China, perhaps we should strive for excellence instead. Instead of cursing at capitalism or communism for the number of faults that are supposed to be buried by their goods, let us use them and tackle issues using an arsenal of principles. Bush failed to listen. And so he failed to launch. Now he has the dilemma of leaving the Arab world in dire straits---and Iraq a new enclave for terrorism instead of a bastion of democracy.

The time of the cowboy will end. Will he be riding to the sunset? Apparently there is the sunset, but rain clouds dominate the horizon. Just as he will fall, so does the world order. What scares me is the uncertainty enveloping the times. And yet why worry if you have much faith in what you can not see? I sigh and take deep breaths. Perhaps. Perhaps. When all this is over, new stars will dominate the skies. And being afraid has no more point.

The elephant just got bit by a dog (which I used for a donkey well since I couldn't come up with a better metaphor). Imagine that. Then imagine how the elephant would carry the enigma of rabies until his dying day. These elections proved to be one of them. Yet neither the big old elephant nor the vigorous dog has provided an America that is itself---one envisioned in its foundation (call it a spade).

And as for the Philippines. Well, something similar is bound to happen. If all go well, the people get their say. In the end, the forces of power are all about the force of men...sometimes few, in these times the majority. In our movement, let us strive to include everyone in this call for fair world under a secure sun and a productive earth. God be your shelter from the coming rain.

The failure to see the world as a forest may just lead to our demise...times are changing and they are as they were told they would be...


Blogger hopelessly romantically rightist said...

mag-post ka na!!!!!! namimiss na namin ang mga post mong pagkahaba-haba... ;D

8:26 AM  

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