Sunday, October 29, 2006

Some things I could loose...

1. 50 pounds
2. Assuming much and as a result, demanding so much from so many people.
3. GC-ness. Need I mention laude is within reach but not quite enough? Haha...
4. Self-pity attitude. Though laude is no longer a possibility (thanks to two 5s in math), one should not wallow. I have committed myself to 12 units of pure effort next sem. The challenge is...I have committed to about five other things the same level.
5. Daydreaming tendencies. I don't want to loose the ability to imagine the good life for me and others I know entirely. I just want to set it aside and live...just live real.
6. Hesitation. I know what I want in life. I just am afraid at times to assert and grab the opportunity. This extends far beyond academic opportunities, by the way.
7. Disinterest in driving. I shall embark on a crash course journey to king of the road heights! There was always something to drive...just the will to drive it.
8. A rough edge in my voice. So I can sing a whole number of songs on my playlist.
9. Being to unrealistically good. In the words of Erika, "maging maalat ka naman." For the good of the rightist order and those I protect and love, I will take the bitter pill of rigidity and responsibility.
10. Papers. I stack readings and notes dating back to as far as grade school. My room is becoming a warehouse of recycable paper!
11. Clothes. Maybe give them to those who need them more.
12. Body sugar. I will loose that weight and all the burdens of my past. And guess what holds after that.

Another successful Council planning...another great great sem ahead. Poof goes the magic of the past semester. Here comes the coming of another dawn, another great day ahead. And need I mention great again?! God speed.


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